This is very interesting. I'ved just left KU and I know I've missed the deadline here, but I hope it went well and I'd like to participate in the next one!

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Jun 24Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Hello! It’s Loretta! It appears The Gentleman Farmers isn’t included. It would like to be with its friends. Thank you for all you do!!!!

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Welcome back to the sale, Loretta! You'll find The Gentlemen Farmers, Love in the Age of Dispossession , and Rosita and the Beautiful Game on the Everyday Sale page, here: https://basedbooksale.substack.com/p/the-everyday-099-or-free-based-book

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Jun 25Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Thank you, Fearless Leader. How could I have ever doubted you. So kind of you. Thank you so much.

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I guess I got the wrong link? OK, well...sorry for the dup if not, and thanks for all you do!

Permanently 99 cents (and was in the sale last fall):

Silk Unspun, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CK3ZX17N

Currently 99 cents/free on KU (and new):

Foul Brood, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CRBHPSN6

Wingless, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0D29WJ7ZC

All by D.S. Blake.

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New to the sale?; Joe Kelly; Escaping Clown World, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQ9ZVTZ8

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Jun 19Liked by Hans G. Schantz

I feel like I'm becoming that guy, but I didn't see my book After Moses on the list.

So I went back through the comments where I signed up and can't find the sign up, even though I remember you responding and stating you were even reading the book at that very moment!

So apparently I'm going crazy or just really incompetent and I don't know which right now.

NOT new to the sale; Michael F. Kane, After Moses. https://www.amazon.com/After-Moses-Michael-F-Kane-ebook/dp/B07YVKL8YW/

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I think we discussed it offline, but I didn't find a comment, and you weren't included in the initial post. I've since added you under new arrivals.

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Jun 19Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Got it. Losing my mind it is. 😐

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NOT new t the sale, Paul Clayton, Strange Worlds, https://www.amazon.com/Strange-Worlds-Paul-Clayton-ebook/dp/B007TY4D1W/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=MUsVR&content-id=amzn1.sym.f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_p=f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_r=137-2619852-9088937&pd_rd_wg=JV2ti&pd_rd_r=c3adc6bd-fa0b-4e61-976c-40132cc2e827&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk

NOT new to the sale, Paul Clayton, Escape From the Future and Other Stories, https://www.amazon.com/Escape-Future-Other-Stories-Clayton-ebook/dp/B09VWKF7QH/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=xCw9z&content-id=amzn1.sym.f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_p=f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_r=137-2619852-9088937&pd_rd_wg=I4s23&pd_rd_r=76ba6012-49ed-4484-adc5-57997af14c8f&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk

NOT new to the sale, Paul Clayton, Talk to a Real, Live Girl and Other Stories, https://www.amazon.com/Talk-Real-Live-Girl-Stories-ebook/dp/B07NDNZ1YF/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=q0Wop&content-id=amzn1.sym.f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_p=f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_r=137-2619852-9088937&pd_rd_wg=SAAnh&pd_rd_r=60c54b32-3abf-40c1-92ad-dee7677ac67d&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk

NOT new to the sale, Paul Clayton, Van Ripplewink: You Can't Go Home Again, https://www.amazon.com/Van-Ripplewink-Cant-Home-Again-ebook/dp/B01I45FTOY/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=6ydEF&content-id=amzn1.sym.f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_p=f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_r=137-2619852-9088937&pd_rd_wg=sLv3U&pd_rd_r=6da8188d-79b3-4d09-aaec-a2d05702bfd0&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk

NOT new to the sale, Paul Clayton, The Blue World: Anunnaki Advent, https://www.amazon.com/Blue-World-Anunnaki-Advent-ebook/dp/B0867HHRP5/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=xFtBv&content-id=amzn1.sym.f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_p=f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_r=137-2619852-9088937&pd_rd_wg=BtL15&pd_rd_r=6094d4af-3b69-4d3b-b39f-a250154b456f&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk

Thank you!

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NOT new to the sale, Michael P. Marpaung, Inquisitor's Promise, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CF7W12LQ

I know I'm cutting it really close, was just notified about this. Thanks.

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Got you in. Thanks for participating.

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NOT new to the sale; Yakov Merkin; A Greater Duty


NOT new to the sale; Yakov Merkin; Light Unto Another World Volume 1


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Jun 17Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Thank you!

NEW to the sale:

Fred Key, McMann and Wife: A Mystery, https://www.amazon.com/McMann-Wife-Mystery-Fred-Key-ebook/dp/B0D42N37YK/

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Jun 17Liked by Hans G. Schantz
Jun 20Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Is there another Paxton Locke book in the works, or are you working on some new novel/series?

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Jun 21Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Yes - shooting for release by late August. Thanks for asking!

Cover art here:


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Welcome back!

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Jun 17Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Thank you for the opportunity!

NEW to the sale;

David Vining; Colonial Nightmare; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C63RJ7WK

David Vining; Crystal Embers; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SCNX8JZ

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Welcome to the sale!

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Jun 17Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Thanks for the opportunity, Hans!

NEW to the sale;

Eric M. Hamilton; A Presidents Day Carol; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTGKMR9G

NOT new to the sale;

Eric M. Hamilton; An Inconvenient Presidency; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01K2R6SRE

Kyle Adams; Through the Lichgate; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D579MDR

Kyle Adams; Illusion of Grandeur; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081S8XR3L

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Added. Welcome back!

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Jun 17Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Not new to the sale

Steve Stark, A Hot Dose of Hell


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