based [ beyst ] / beɪst / adjective
1. Well-grounded, resting upon a firm foundation.
2. Principled, devoted to fixed standards, especially in defiance of conventional wisdom.
3. Rejecting politically correct attitudes and celebrating nonconformity with woke opinion.
4. Committed to upholding and advancing the good, the beautiful, and the true.
antonyms: debased, cringe
Welcome to the Based Book Sale Substack!
Four times a year, indie and small press authors band together for a special sale. For one week, we all price some of our best books at only $0.99 or free, and we mutually promote the sale to our readers, fans, mailing lists, and social media followers. Our upcoming sales?
Spring Based Book Sale: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 12:00 AM PST through Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 12:00 AM PST.
Also, many authors have a title or two permanently priced at $0.99 or free, so the Based Book Sale Substack will also offer an “Everyday Based Book Bargains” Sale. Authors, signup here.
Why is the Based Book Substack needed? Because gatekeeping is real, and the mission of mainstream publishing is to push the narratives and cultural programming they want to impose on you, not to offer the entertaining and worthwhile stories you want to read. One mainstream literary agent declares she is “ONLY open to receiving queries from writers from marginalized backgrounds such as (but not limited to) those who identify as BIPOC/BAME, LGBTQ+, ND, and DIS.” Even authors of woke fiction risk cancellation if a mob of hate reviewers decide they are insufficiently “diverse” and have “culturally appropriated” otherwise woke writings.
As The Federalist observed, conservative guerrilla marketing like the ‘Big Based Book Sale’ is how we fight leftist gatekeepers.
For Authors…
Signup to receive a reminder post and announcement of upcoming sales, and to receive notification when the sale goes live. Comment on the announcement with a link to a based book that will be priced at $0.99 or free for the sale period, and you’ll be added to the sale. When the sale goes live, help us promote the sale on your social media and mailing lists to your followers and readers. When every book is only $0.99 or free, you’ll get lots of new readers taking a chance to check out your work.
For Readers…
Signup to receive a reminder post and announcement of upcoming sales, and to receive notification when the sale goes live. Then check out the sale post, grab some great deals on based books, and help us spread the word. When every book is only $0.99 or free, you can afford to take a chance and check out a new author.
How much does all this cost you?
Nothing. Well, except for actually buying the books. Donations are welcomed if you’d like to upgrade to a paid subscription and support my efforts, and as an Amazon Affiliate I make a 4% commission on sale links, but this is otherwise a free service to authors and readers alike. Authors share books and find new readers, readers get great deals and discover new authors, and we all help each other out by promoting the sale.