Mar 25Liked by Hans G. Schantz

I’ve recommended you!

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Mar 25Liked by Hans G. Schantz

I’ll recommend you, when I figure out how it works. In the meantime, I’ll self-promote by telling you about my project.

I wrote four first chapters and I would like to learn what story people are most curious to read until the end. Anyone interested in impertinent fiction is invited to read and weigh in.


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I've added BBS to my recommendations as well. Here's my Substack: https://germanicus.substack.com/

Right now it's a place where I post my fiction, but I do have book reviews and my novel itself started out as a Substack serial.

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I've added BBS to my recommendations. On your policy for recommendations, my Substack is mostly short fiction, but does post whenever I have a new book out, so I'm not sure if I qualify.

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Still learning my way around Substack, so I guarantee I'll get some terminology wrong. I have split my account here into two "channels."

On "Henry's Sneak Peeks" (https://paradoxseries.substack.com/) I'll be posting excerpts, sample chapters, probably artwork and other stuff. (I have designated Thursdays as my must-post days. Currently I'm sharing...for free...the chapters from my sci-fi series' first novel.)

"Iron Age Unfolding" (https://hankbrown.substack.com/) is where I'll be writing ABOUT books/entertainment, etc. as well as occasionally venting about political matters. (Tuesday is the first installment of an intended series on comic books as an art form.)

Thanks again, Hans. I'm off to see if I can figure out this "Recommendations" deal.

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I haven't been to BasedCon, but thinking about going this year. Are there a lot of books for sale there?

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