V.F. Aubrey; August of the People: Book I of the Eternitys's Sunrise Saga, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DPCZLFMW

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Bowen Greenwood, Onslaught (Exile War Book 1), https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095HZ1TJB

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I've A Sci Fi I think would qualify, but will get Jonathan S.'s advice.

I would like the non fiction Live Abundantly! 50 Business Lessons from the Bible (edited and proofed by a retired Lutheran minister and an experienced Messianic Rabbi.)

Live Abundantly! 50 Business Lessons from the Bible

https://books2read.com/u/bPg2PJ ebook, print & audio

Came out in 2014, did OK until Amazon refused to take my ads because of its potentially offensive title.

A RomCom I'd like to include:

The Mopsters!

Two sisters, one man & The Mob...what could go wrong?


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Looks like a good fit for the sale, but we're already underway. Sign up to stay in the loop, and I'll be happy to include your nooks next time.

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I have a question about how to best go about this.

Right now, I'm giving away *ALL* my ebooks for free to anyone who joins my email list. https://www.e6universe.com/email

Your format seems to prefer those who have a separate link for each book. Can you advise me on the best way to proceed?

I have four books that I'm doing this with:

a. Jared N. Michaud, b. Winternight, c. https://www.e6universe.com/email

a. Jared N. Michaud, b. Brightstar, c. https://www.e6universe.com/email

a. Jared N. Michaud, b. From the Void, c. https://www.e6universe.com/email

a. Jared N. Michaud, b. The Vale of Mysteries, c. https://www.e6universe.com/email

You can see more info on the Energematrice6 universe here: https://www.e6universe.com/e6

My books would definitely fit your definition of "based."

(Christian Parent Reviews reviewed Brightstar when i first released it. You can find that here: https://www.christianparentreviews.com/book-reviews/Brightstar-Energematrice6)

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Happy to include you, tonight, when I get a chance. I'll steer folks to your email link.

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Thank you!

I plan on continuing to offer the books for free indefinitely.

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Tim Taylor, The Spirit & The Serpent Book One: The Serpent Reborn, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DDKYVXH6/

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Good afternoon, I regularly make my books available for .99 cents whenever the kindle countdown deals are available. Most of my works are focused on Sword & Sorcery/Fantasy in the traditional pulp style and they can be found here:


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Happy to include Legends of Atlameria: Harbinger of Worlds End in the Everyday Sale. Signup at the Based Book Substack for a reminder before our next sale, coming in February.

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Much appreciated! I'm looking forward to it!

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The Black Knight, Starshatter https://www.amazon.com/Starshatter-Black-Knight-ebook/dp/B079K62S78

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Crown of Blood; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CZ77L6D8

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E. S. Martell Pirates of the Asteroids https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RWPHCLK

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To even be included for a day would mean much to me, as I’d like to be a part of this.

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Jack Mikkelson ; Bovodar and the Bears


I’m late to the party again.

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You are already listed in the Everyday Sale. I love your Bovodar and the Bears (https://amzn.to/4fSGDnn). Superb YA fantasy. I look forward to more novels from you.

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I’m editing Bovodar and the Dragons now. Goes to another editor after that.

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Tim J. McKay

The Fall of Selvandrea


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Added. Thanks for participating.

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Cheers! Glad to be in such great company!

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a. James Kenneth Rogers

b. The Triple Path

c. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08BLW163Q/

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Welcome to the sale.

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